LCA and LCC analyses of the selected systems producing and managing biowaste in the pilot areas (public summary)
Public summary of the confidential report “LCA and LCC analyses of the selected systems producing and…
State of the art of biowaste production and management in the pilot areas (public summary)
Public summary of the confidential report “State of the art of biowaste production and management in…
Policy recommendations for implementing circular bioeconomy in the pilot areas
This report provides policy recommendations aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities identified for the Biocircularcities…
Regulatory gap and opportunity analysis for a circular bioeconomy (public summary)
Public summary of the report “Regulatory gap and opportunity analysis for a circular bioeconomy” which aims…
Regulatory gap and opportunity analysis for a circular bioeconomy
This report aims to identify the legal/administrative, technical, economic, environmental, and social drivers and barriers that…
Policy framework on circular bioeconomy and biowaste management (summary)
Summary of the report “Policy framework and Good Practices on circular bioeconomy and biowaste management” focusing…
36 Good Practices and more on circular bioeconomy and biowaste management (summary)
Summary of the report “Policy framework and Good Practices on circular bioeconomy and biowaste management” focusing…
Policy framework and Good Practices on circular bioeconomy and biowaste management
This report compiles the extensive review of the circular bioeconomy policy framework and the selection of…
Webtool in practice short guidance for the practitioner
This report provides guidance on how to use the Biocircularcities webtool.
Report documenting the definition of the decision tree background logic
This report documents the background setting of the Biocircularcities guidelines that were developed including the discussion…
Definition of the Scope of Circular Bioeconomy for biowaste management in urban areas (public summary)
Public summary of the report “Definition of the Scope of Circular Bioeconomy for biowaste management in…
Definition of the Scope of Circular Bioeconomy for biowaste management in urban areas
This report is a first step in the development of guidelines facilitating the replication of the…
Exploitation factsheet
How to make use and build on the Biocircularcities results? This factsheet gives you some tips!
Biocircularcities in brief #4
A short overview of our activities between June and September 2023.
Biocircularcities in brief #3
A short overview of our activities between December 2022 and May 2023.
Biocircularcities in brief #2
A short overview of our activities between June 2022 and November 2022.
Biocircularcities in brief #1
A short overview of our activities between October 2021 and May 2022.
Discover Biocircularcities in video
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The project aims to support the establishment of the innovative governance models at local/regional level to...
A dynamic database of relevant technologies for biowaste valorisation (Technology Readiness Level 4 and higher)
Developing a benign, efficient and environmentally friendly biorefinery process to extract high-value polyphenolic bioactive compounds for...
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