Biocircularcities studied the situation in the pilot territories to understand to which extend biowaste is underexploited and could be brought better in line with the principles of the circular economy. Partners explored the sustainability of bioeconomy supply chains in a Life Cycle Thinking perspective.
A first step consisted in studying the current biowaste management systems, including both municipal separately collected biowaste and mixed waste, in the three pilot territories involved in the project, namely Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, province of Pazardzhik and Metropolitan City of Napoli. The aim was three-fold:
- map the main biowaste producers and biowaste management systems;
- select three biowaste management chains (one in each pilot area) to be further analysed, and;
- identify the relevant stakeholders involved in the biowaste management chains and their interests and perspectives.
An overview of this work is provided in the public summary of the confidential report “State of the art of biowaste production and management in the pilot areas”.
Partners then identifyed potential improvements to valorise different biowaste chains:
- organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste in Barcelona;
- organic residues from agro-industrial chain in Napoli and;
- residual biomass from forestry and related wood transformation activities in Pazardzhik.
For more details on the situation in each pilot, visit their pages:
Metropolitan Area of
Barcelona (ES)
Metropolitan City of
Naples (IT)
Province of