Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash
What are the current biowaste management systems, both for separately collected municipal biowaste and mixed waste, in the three pilot territories of the Biocircularcities project?
For several months the Biocircularcities partners have been analysing the situation in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Province of Pazardzhik and the Metropolitan City of Napoli. Through this work, and for each territory, they mapped the main biowaste producers and biowaste management systems, selected a biowaste management chain to be further analysed, and identified the relevant stakeholders involved in the biowaste management chains and their interests and perspectives.
Results of this work are gathered in the report “State of the art of biowaste production and management in the pilot areas”, whose public summary is now available for download!
Using the results of the first local Living Labs and isolating the streams either with significant quantities, challenging to manage or whose valorisation chains is yet to explore, partners selected three biowaste chains. They are the following:
- Organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste for the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
- Unrecovered forestry residues for the Province of Pazardzhik
- Biowaste from coffee chain for the Metropolitan City of Naples
As a next step, partners defined a Business as Usual and alternative scenario regarding the valorisation of each of these chains. The proposed alternative scenarios not only represent an application of circular bioeconomy but they also consider potential prevention measures to decrease biowaste generation, an improvement in waste collection and the implementation of circular patterns based on biowaste valorisation.
Do you want to know what the three proposed scenarios are?
Have a look at the public summary of the “State of the art of biowaste production and management in the pilot areas”!