Biocircularcities to involve local actors through Living Labs

Photo by Gareth Willey from Pexels

The Biocircularcities project will actively engage local actors of its pilot territories involved in biowaste management by setting so-called Local Living Labs. This will help the pilot territories to effectively address the local needs and explore relevant solutions to develop a circular bioeconomy. A wide variety of stakeholders, from large waste producers to waste collectors and processors or end-users of recovered materials and more, will be invited to join the Living Labs to gather different views and experiences.

The first and introductory meetings of the Local Living Labs will take place at the end of March 2022, to introduce the project and discuss the current situation of the chain to study, relevant legislation and best practices. Participants will also exchange on challenges encountered in the current biowaste management systems, successful stories or possible alternative on circular bioeconomy to improve the management and the valorisation for the selected biowaste chains.

Participation in the Local Living Labs is by invitation only. Should you be interested in joining a Living Lab, please contact us.

The first Local Living Lab in Barcelona, Pazardzhik, and Naples will soon be announced. Stay tuned!