Barriers and drivers to circular bioeconomy implementation in the agro-industrial and municipal biowaste chain in the Metropolitan City of Naples

Photo by Zsolt Cserna on Unsplash

The second Living Lab for the Metropolitan City of Naples (MCN) will be held on 22 September 2022 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

The living lab will start with a presentation of the current status of the Biocircularcities project, and a general overview of the expected outcomes from local stakeholders. Following this the stakeholders will be presented with the aim of sharing their activities in the agro-industrial sector and municipal biowaste management chain in the MCN related to circular bioeconomy.

The workgroup will be focused on the identification of barriers and drivers that can limit and foster biocircular products/processes at each specific stage of the agro-industrial sector and municipal biowaste management chain.

The discussion will be focused on the supporting actions that could help facing the identified barriers, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable implementation of circular bioeconomy.

Participants will exchange on the identification and analysis of the regulatory, social, environmental, and techno-economic barriers and drivers to circular bioeconomy implementation in the agro-industrial and municipal biowaste in the MCN.

A dynamic session will be implemented to collect the opinion of the involved stakeholders on barriers and drivers from an economic, legal, environmental, technical, and health perspective.