Brett Stone
The BioCircularCities web application tool is developed in the framework of the H2020 Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking project BioCircularCities. It supports the identification of the most suitable technological options (bio-circular technologies) for improving the biowaste management.
The BioCircularCities tool relies on the consideration of a list of influential criteria which was established from what have emerged from the analysis of a literature-based state of the art of the main drivers and barriers towards the development of biocircular value chains for biomass waste management, and on the the experiences of the pilot areas.
The tool screens the socio-economic, political and environmental context of the territory in which the value chain shall be implemented according to the list of influential criteria, and evaluate which technological pathway(s) for the biowaste valorization would be potentially compatible with the described surrounding context, based on their own specificities in regard to each criteria.
The objective of the tool is to provide first possibilities about what could be suitable in term of technological pathways, given a specific context. The BCC tool does not aim at providing a “ready to implement” business plan.