The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) published its annual work programme for 2023 announcing its funding priorities, including details on its next call for proposals. In 2023, CBE JU will open a call covering 18 topics for submission of project proposals, with a total indicative budget of €215.5 million
The Annual Work Programme 2023 is based on the strategic priorities from the CBE JU’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Read it here.
Save the date! The CBE JU Info Day 2023 is planned for 20 April 2023 in person in Brussels and streamed online. The call for proposals will open after the event, and the call deadline is planned for 20 September 2023.
The CBE JU call’s budget comes from Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation funding programme. Each euro of public funding will be complemented by private investments. The topics for submission will be published on the EU’s Funding & tender opportunities portal.
12 January 2023