Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash
Five external experts representing private companies and research organisations will contribute to the Biocircularcities project by participating in the first peer review session of the project next 28 April.
The aim is twofold for the Biocircularcities consortium: to hear experts’ own experience and projects on circular bioeconomy and to receive feedback and additional input on the results of the first Local Living Labs.
In the first part, Anne Trémier, research director at INRAE, will share the lessons learnt about biowaste management from the DECISIVE project, underlining which are the main issues encountered when deciding among decentralisation and centralisation on biowaste treatment. Sergio Ulgiati, professor at Parthenope University will explain the importance of retrieving the results from past bio-economy research and projects as starting point to expand the range of available circular solutions. Sergio Ugarte, managing director and co-Founder of SQ Consult BV will present the BBI JU project CHAMPION, promising safer, more sustainable, and circular biopolymers focusing on sustainability and circularity. Feni Agostinho, professor at Paulista University will share findings on prevention of the organic waste generated by food distribution centers. Michele Giavini, from ARS Ambiente will share the main challenges and good practices in Europe for the biowaste separated collection, focusing on the implementation of KAYT – Know As You Throw system.
In a second part, after a presentation of the conclusions of each Local Living Lab, experts will have the possibility to give feedback to validate and support the project’s choices and preliminary results. They will answer questions prepared by the Biocircularcities consortium for each pilot. Pilots will in turn have then the opportunity to discuss some specific points with the experts regarding their local situation and planned scenarios to reach a circular bioeconomy on their territory.
More details on the Peer Review #1 here.